Tracy Satchwill is on a journey of change, focusing on public commissions, artist residencies and social engaged projects that connect, inspire and empower women of all ages, backgrounds and those who identify as female. I continue to create engaging artwork that explores the historical and contemporary perceptions of women, bringing female power into the spotlight.
My artistic mission is to create exciting stories, based in playful and vibrant worlds that seek to challenge historical and contemporary perceptions, which have shaped experiences of being a woman today.
As an artist, I aim to connect, inspire and empower women of all ages, and invite them on a shared journey of discovery and reflection that highlights female power, raises aspirations and builds self-esteem.
I commit to pushing the boundaries of my practice; embracing new platforms, such as immersive, performance and installation art; combining new digital techniques and analogue materials; and challenging the status quo, to confront our beliefs of what it is to be human.
My artistic practice is rooted in the following core values:
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